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Rachel and Ryan

Ryan and Rachel's Wedding + My first wedding as a photographer

Photo Preview.

Saturday, May 21, 2011 Rachel Joy Wendt marries Ryan Holmstrom Nevill. So shocking that Rachel wasn't planning on photographing her wedding (insert sarcastic smiley face here). However, with the encouragement of her friends she decided to ask me to document her day. Less than a month ago, I received this text from "Skrach", "hey gurl wanna take pics for my wedding?" I quickly and enthusiastically responded, "of course gurl!", despite my complete lack of experience. In my lifetime I've attended approximately three weddings. What have I gotten myself into? I've never photographed a wedding. Two days before the wedding, it hit me: this job is more than a disposable camera and a quick pointer finger. I had yet to communicate with Rachel, had no location, and no reliable camera. After finally speaking with Rachel, she insisted it was "no big deal" I had no camera nor location. Nice. The pressure was off. I however disagreed. The pressure was back on. It was her wedding and Rachel deserved the best.

  • Get a camera. Check (thank you Bos Family).
  • Find a location. Check...UNCHECK (rain + field = dirty unhappy bride).
  • Find a second location. Check (Gordon Conwell Seminary School).
  • Learn wedding photography. Impossible. Luckily, I took theater when I was a freshmen in High school. It's fun to play make believe

Rachel and Ryan broke my wedding photography virginity. I am honored and glad it was them. They went easy on me. I appreciate their cooperative spirits and the freedom they gave me.

You have been such a great friend to my sister. When I was younger, I was jealous because I always wanted to be your friend too. But you were too cool and uninterested. How was I supposed to compete with the virtual computer characters from the game "The Sims". I was no match. Then one day, we became friends. I consider you a sister. You are a Nevill now, but you are also a Tam...I mean a Wendt...but really I mean a Tam. Blondes can be asians too i.e. LORI TAM.

I wish you and Ryan the best!

REMEMBER: You have prepared for this new lifestyle since the age of 10, when you first became addicted to "The Sims". This strategic life-simulation game has enabled you to make good marital decisions.

Things you learned from " The Sims" that will help your marriage:

  • maintain balanced budgets: the most conventional method of generating an income is to obtain a job
  • man/woman cannot live off coconut water alone: cook meals for both you and Ryan- starvation results in death
  • do not own a guinea pig these attract viruses: but if you must, clean its cage
  • if your six adopted children's grades are too low for too long send them to military school
  • do not "brawl" for too long...eventually this will result in either one of you moving out or really really

I love you.

Ryan welcome to the Tam Family...I mean the Wendt family


Sick Day

coming soon photos & designs of Alex Bargende.
thank you alex.
Today, I skipped all my classes...I was feeling a little under the spring weather and so was Spring. She was not feeling so hot either. 32 degrees is not warm, nor is it good conditions for blooming flowers.


Spring break

If i were you, I would scroll down and read what I just wrote. (Emmie, thank you).
Photome_outline-1.jpg Photome_outline-1.jpg

Didn’t go on vacation for spring break? Feeling down?

Lucky for you, Deb Tam has provided simple, quick-fix solutions to brighten your day.

Disclaimer #1:

Deb wanted to go on spring break. Deb tried to join her sister, Julia, on her Miami trip. Deb was denied. Twice. NHFFAF. (NO HURT FEELINGS FORGIVE AND FORGET).

Disclaimer #2:

The following advice will only bring temporary, fleeting happiness. It will fail to provide any long-lasting joy. But, Deb highly recommends trying them all…

Disclaimer #3:

Deb is a pathological liar. (Irrelevant disclaimer?)

1. Decline a facebook friend request – IT IS EMPOWERING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Splurge on Crest White Strips. Guaranteed to make your face look tanner. Remember--you will do anything to look darker than when you left campus. Hey, if that did not sell you…each application takes 30 minutes. If I did the math correctly that is…30 minutes less of your uneventful day.

3. Go tanning. Forget about the times you judged and poked fun at those who faked and baked. Forget about all the research that proves tanning causes cancer. Forget about the sweaty stranger that was in the tanning bed before you. FORGET IT ALL! Cognitive Dissonance: Purge yourself of the guilt. Remember anything can be justified --Just think about how cute and orange you will look. BONUS-- No one will ever know…it is the only time in the winter season, you can go tanning without being asked, “oh, your so tan, did you go tanning”? Humiliation.

4. Important! Check, and then double-check your facebook status. The status should always say, “offline”. If, you are “online” for more than 2 hours, people start to take notice. Everyone will know you lied about vacationing in Cabo.

Side note: regardless of spring break, your status should never say “online”. Unless, you need help on your homework --from that boy/girl that sits next to you in class, but never can remember his/her name. Yeah, that is the only time.

5. Instead of binge drinking, try binge eating…the end result is the same.

6. Then, try on your smallest bikini while looking in the mirror. It has been a long exercise-less winter… it’s a good chance you did yourself a favor.

7. Strike up small talk with the locals…

8. Lying on a mattress is far more comfortable than a towel.

9. Remember: Moms do not go on spring break…nor do their wallets or home-cooked dinners. Exploit your mother, I mean appreciate her, and her willingness to make you feel at home.

But, if your mom is on spring break, you’re probably five years old, and without a father. Therefore, it is a good chance tbat you are at grandma’s house, and on her computer, teaching her how to use “gogle”. #whathasthisworldcometoo.

11. Read a good ole’ tabloid. Us magazine: The Bachelor Finds Love. Overall, it is engaging and thought provoking.

Summary: The antagonist, Brad Womack, ruins the protagonist, Emily, and her daughter’s life. Genre: Tragic Romance?

12. Lastly, feel safe knowing that Starbucks won’t roofie your beverage.

And, if all else fails, just have a positive attitude…no one likes a sourpuss.

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. " – Herm Albright

No offense, but you’re offending me. Enjoy your spring break.

-Deb Tam Designs

Photography & Design
by Deb Tam



Edna (the female in the photographs) is my grand-mother. My family calls her Bunny. Why? The reason is unknown.